Popular Thai/Singapore Movies of 2021
The pop aye is one of the most popular sounds from the Singlish language and this is the reason why this sound makes such an impact on many foreigners who watch movies in Singapore. It's not only the people in Singapore who can sing this musical number, but even the residents of Thailand have taken to singing it in the streets or at various events such as road races and in general to get attention. The pop aye is a variation of the "Oh". The similarity between the two is that the first syllable of the word "oh" is also the first letter in both words. Both words are pronounced as "oh-OH" and when these two words are put together, they produce a song that no one can forget.
The pop aye is a song that was introduced into the Singapore news movie industry by none other than our very own resident pop star, Ong Koom. The movie itself revolves around a dispute between two families over inheritance. The movie was highly anticipated by both the Thai and Singaporean audiences and went on to become one of the best-selling movies of all time. This is also the first feature film directed by Ong Koom. The movie has gone on to become the best-selling Thai film ever and was later made into a blockbuster movie starring the world-famous Ong Koon Teeng. Other than this movie, Ong Koom also directed other well-received movies such as the kung fu epic Dragon Master.
Another famous song that features in the pop aye cycle is the song called "Carnival Song" by Sirikul. In this song, he requests that his subjects are kind to the poor and live in harmony with each other. A common theme that you will find in most Sirikul songs is that of family and friendship. "Carnival Song" is sung by a character called Jai Phippo who is one of the main characters in the movie. The movie has taken the Thai people by storm ever since it was released and is now one of the most popular Thai films of all time.
Elephantiasis is another disease that is caused by lack of hygienic conditions in rural Thailand. The word "elephantiasis" literally means "porous feces." This disease is more prevalent in rural Thailand due to unclean and unhealthy water, food and conditions. While many tourists visit the country to enjoy the fantastic natural scenery, they are advised to steer clear of the elephantiasis disease for their own safety.
A special category of Pop aye movies that have been making the rounds among the masses is the film titled "Kampala." Directed by Pawel Pawlikowsk, this film won the best picture award at the Venice Film Festival in 2021. A story about two teenage girls, the movie tells the story of two girls from different backgrounds who come into contact with each other after meeting at a Kampala amusement park. One girl gets addicted to drugs while the other is enrolled in a school and plans to go to college. She decides to join the "drugs" crowd to support her girl friends but when her mother discovers her plans, she gets into trouble with the local police station and is forced to accompany her friend to the police station.
Another great Thai film that came out in the year 2021 was the movie called "Nang Drama." Directed by Nang Yutthi, the movie chronicles the life of a young narong girl as she is forced to grow up fast and cope with a variety of social and cultural problems. The movie also stars Sang Hyun, Soon Chau Eng and Doojie Soy. The movie won the best film award at the Venice Film Festival in the best comedy or drama category.